Facebook Connect and its Privacy Policy

new.blicio.us Follow Dec 09, 2009 · 1 min read
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Facebook Connect is a feature that allows users to log in to other websites using their Facebook account. It’s a convenient and time-saving feature that has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, as Facebook Connect grows in popularity, it’s important to consider how it may affect our privacy.

When we use Facebook Connect to log in to other websites, we are essentially giving those websites access to our Facebook data. This includes our name, profile picture, and any other information we have made public on Facebook. While this can be convenient, it also means that our personal data is being shared with third-party websites.

To address these concerns, Facebook has updated its privacy policy to include information about how Facebook Connect data is shared with third-party websites. The policy now requires websites that use Facebook Connect to provide clear information about what data is being collected and how it will be used. This is an important step towards ensuring that our personal data is being handled responsibly.

It’s also worth noting that we have control over what data is shared through Facebook Connect. When we log in to a website using Facebook Connect, we are given the option to choose what information we share. We can choose to share only our name and profile picture, or we can choose to share more information.

In conclusion, Facebook Connect is a convenient feature that has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, as it grows in popularity, it’s important to consider how it may affect our privacy. By being aware of our options and understanding how our data is being shared, we can make informed decisions about how we use Facebook Connect.

Written by new.blicio.us Follow